The Guardian Weekly

Sound solutions to curing a very noisy problem

Stuart Jeffries uses a sledgehammer to crack a tiny nut (Until decibels do us part, 29 July). There is a simple technique to stop someone snoring: all the non-snorer needs to do is smack their lips to produce a “kissiekissie” sound, such as we use when we blow kisses over the telephone; or produce the dental sound of disapproval that is conventionally transcribed as “tut tut”; or a combination of both in rapid succession.

The above technique was described in 2003 by my doctor wife and myself in a letter to the journal Australian Family Physician. Surprisingly, our letter did not receive worldwide recognition. However, we are still awaiting with bated breath that phone call from Stockholm …

Dino Bressan

Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia

• As a retired physician who previously ran a sleep clinic, I am surprised at one omission from Stuart Jeffries’ account of possible remedies for the marital disharmony of snoring – earplugs for the affected partner. Not a guaranteed answer, but at approximately £6 ($7.25), well worth a try.

Duncan MacIntyre

Eaglesham, Scotland, UK

Opinion / Letters



