The Guardian Weekly


By Maslanka © CMM2021

1 Andy had (a + b – c)/2 as the answer to a question about a right-angled triangle with sides a, b & c [where a ≤ b < c]; Candy had the more symmetrical answer, ab/[a + b + c]. Who was right?


STILLICIDE a) death by whiskey b) barrel disinfectant c) continual dripping d) death from inanition

GYROVAGUE a) magnetic spin wave b) itinerant monk c) eddy d) gyromagnetic wobble

3 Jumblies

Rearrange the letters of CESSATION to make another word.

4 Dropouts

Replace each asterisk with a letter to make a word: B*O*O*T

5 Cryptic

Compare hits, creating a distinctive mood (11) Past tense of pigs fly, you say? It’s contagious (5, 3)

6 Missing Links

Find a word that follows the first word in the clue and precedes the second, in each case making a fresh word or phrase. Eg, the answer to fish mix could be cake (fishcake & cake mix) and to bat man it could be he (bathe & he- man) ... a) flash story b) wash meeting c) floral works d) sound suit e) pepper field f) playing harp

Either neither or both as the expressions are identical for a right-angled triangle, as both are here equivalent to the radius of the incircle (circle tangent to each of the sides of the triangle). Point to

Ponder: Can you derive both formulae? 2 Wordpool c, b; 3 Jumblies CANOEISTS; 4 Dropouts BLOWOUT; 5 Cryptic ATMOSPHERIC, SWINE FLU; 6 Missing Links a) flash/back/story b) wash/board/ meeting c) floral/print/works d) sound/ track/suit e) pepper/corn/field f) playing/ cards/harp

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