The Guardian Weekly


By Maslanka a © CMM2021

1 In the sequence p, pq, pqp, pqpq, pqpqp, pqpqpq … in which p and q alternate, how many instances of p and of q are there in the nth term if n is odd? Even? Give a formula that covers both odd and even.

2 Wordpool Find the correct definition: YRNEH a) yearling ewe b) high quality myrrh c) vizier d) unit of reciprocal inductance

3 Jumblies Rearrange the letters of ORIENTATING to make another word.

4 Dropouts

Replace each asterisk with a letter to make a word: P*O*U*T

5 Same Difference

Identify the two words which differ only in the letter shown: T******* (sound… ******* …idea)

6 Cryptic

Nice cantor played an instrument (10).

7 Missing Links

Find a word that follows the first word in the clue and precedes the second, in each case making a fresh word or phrase. Eg the answer to fish mix could be cake (fishcake & cake mix) and to bat man it could be he (bathe & he- man) ... a) bird potato b) air field c) comic singer d) drum poet e) fire paper f) smoking dog

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